Radiator Fluid/Coolant: Monthly Automotive Maintenance Part 2

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Radiator Fluid/Coolant: Monthly Automotive Maintenance Part 2

by Suzie Claremont

Radiator Fluid/Coolant: Monthly Automotive Maintenance Part 2

In this second edition of automotive maintenance tips, we're going to be dealing again with fluids. Who would have imagined all the liquid that a car consumes, besides gasoline? Well, other than mechanics and people who find cars fascinating in any way.

In the previous article of this series, we learned about oil and brake fluid. Next on our list of must know maintenance pointers, will be radiator coolant. Your operator handbook or owner's manual will tell you what type of radiator coolant is best for your car.

Radiator Coolant

This fluid is extremely crucial to your car, as it is what prevents the engine from overheating. Allowing the coolant level to get too low can cause severe damage to your cars engine, leading to repeated breakdowns and costly repairs.

Adding coolant to the radiator. If your car is pre-1970, then you will have to add the coolant straight into the radiator. Some of the newer model German and Swedish luxury or sports cars also require the coolant be added directly to the radiator.

1. Park your automobile on a level part of your driveway.

2. Allow your engine to cool down for about a half hour before you proceed.

3. The radiator cap should be located at the front of the engine, near the middle.

4. Be very careful when you remove the radiator cap, touching it when the engine is hot, could result in severe burns.

5. Once you have twisted off the cap (use rags or a thick glove), look into the radiator, and determine if the fluid level is pretty close to the top. If it isn't, then pour in the coolant until you can see the fluid easily.6. Make sure that when you twist the radiator cap back on, you have it screwed on tightly.

Radiator fluid container. Most American and foreign cars that are available today, have a plastic cistern, or container that holds the radiator coolant.

1. The plastic coolant container will most likely be located close to the radiator. In some cars, it is even labeled. There will be a rubber or plastic hose leading from the radiator to the container.

2. Again, ensure that the engine is not hot when you remove the cap. If the fluid level is lower than the "full line," add coolant until it reaches that line.

3. Do not try to remove the cap if the car has overheated, the reservoir holding the coolant could have become pressurized, and cause any remaining fluid to spray out at you when you twist off the cap. Allow the engine to cool sufficiently.

4. If your car overheats because of low coolant, DO NOT put in straight water, as this can cause further damage. Radiator coolant is half anti-freeze and half-purified water. It is a good idea, to keep a bottle of coolant in your trunk, for situations such as this.

Radiator fluid comes in attractive bottles, and has a somewhat sweet taste. Always keep it out of the reach of children. And if it should spill, clean it up immediately because pets, like kids, only understand that it tastes good, not that it is poisonous.

Source: http://www.PopularArticles.com/article150494.html