Your site says "Name Brand Replacement" what does that mean?
Radiator Express ® sells only name brand parts that are manufactured to the original equipment specifications. We even sell original equipment parts for many foreign applications. Our products are hand tested and come from American based companies that you can depend on. We make this distinction because the quality of part that you install is a very important issue. To view more about the products we ship please visit our Radiator Express ® About Quality page. We do not generally list part numbers on the website, or specific brands due to confusion and potential mis-orders often result by ordering via part number. Most radiators you receive from our service will be sent from a local facility. They will normally have the Radiator Express ® logo on the box. Sometimes we will ship an affiliate brand to ensure an item is not delayed. If you require a specific brand name, be sure to contact us via phone to order."Radiator Expert Tip" - Let's Be Serious !!! If a price is too good to be true.. Trust us it is. . The competitor will most likely end the sale with surcharges, extraordinary shipment fees, or send you a no-name product that they obtained from an overseas warehousing with a lackluster warranty even though the overseas call center assured you it was XYZ brand. They may even tell you its a "very complicated fit" to get you confused, worried and overpaying for the part. The prices on our website may not always be the lowest you'll find... But we can assure you, the item is to OEM specifications, we created and added it to the website by hand. We added notes to the descriptions and made distinctions to the listing so that you know if you need to check the core size, or product date of the vehicle etc. (no autoparts cookie cutter